Post Partum After Glow...Gratitude from the Garden

Well now the baby is here and I have to figure out what to do with it.  Ultimately, I want to get as many people as possible to read it.  Why?  Because I believe it will help people.  Reading is a subjective experience which is why we all have different reactions to different books.  We bring a little people of ourselves into the mix when we interpret what the author has written.  We can't really help this because it is human nature.  But when you have a book that makes you look at things a little differently you may open up.  Raising your awareness can change your world.  Just like Dr. Wayne Dyer said, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

In my book, The Gratitude Attitude...Life Lessons from the Field, I post one final gratitude to the authors who have impacted my life and allowed me to raise my awareness.  I'd like to share it with you.  

My Final Gratitude

I am grateful for Dr. Wayne Dyer, who passed while I was writing this book, for the many lessons he taught me in life.  I am grateful that I was able to tell him in person how much he has helped me. He has influenced me more than any other author or speaker, and through his work he has introduced me to many more inspiring minds. 

I am also grateful for Deepak Chopra, for his many thought provoking books and tapes.  Through his work I learned to meditate and to use meditation as a daily tool.  Eckhart Tolle: I am grateful—that through your work— you taught me mindfulness. Learning to stay in the present helped me through the grief of losing my mother.  I am also grateful for Louise Hay, as her work started me on this journey of seeking answers, loving life, and understanding the importance of positive affirmations. 

And, finally, I would like to thank Oprah Winfrey for demonstrating the importance of believing in yourself, being confident and being real, and for helping so many people in this world through her OWN channel. 

Although I have had other mentors, these mentors have led the way for me, and for that


Eternally Grateful,

Sheila Trask
